The 12 Faces of Human Potential Developement

Einstein famously stated that human beings use on average only about 10 % of their total brain capacity. The statement in itself is remarkable (as in: worth noticing), not because it reflects a absolute truth for everybody at that particular percentage, but because it points to what I perceive to be the essence of all problems, challenges, difficulties, depressions, sickness, symptoms.. you name it. Furthermore, this does apply on all levels of possible unhappiness: physically, psychologically and spirtually. My take on the Whole thing is: All unhappiness an individual experiences is nothing but the inverse experience of the yet-un-experienced. Meaning: what pains us when we experience pain in the body or soul is not what we HAVE or rather:ARE, but what we Not-yet-Have or rather: Not-Yet-Are. It is the lack that hurts, the minus, the deficit of what could (and should, in larger sense) be and but -oh bother- not-yet has become. And I don´t mean the «could be» hypothetically. My assumption is that each individual is born with a spesific set of potential-seeds and that these seeds fruitcaking desperately want, need, long to be developed. Developed to be realized. Come to full fruitition (fruitcake, again). Like the plumtree here in the garden (these plums are delicious), hanging full and ripe and sweet and wonder-full, and generously willing to share its fully developed potential. That is why, to put it simply, all a human being really needs to work with is the developement of its potentials. Nada more, because Everything Else Ensues, falls into place on its own, as a logical consequence.
The 12 Personas-microcosmos´
As for the pitfalls, where even seemingly »realized» (at least in the eyes of the others) fail: The biggest mistake in that equation, apart from just plain choosing not to develop, is that people only grow some parts of them selves. They might even become GREAT, GIGANTIC in their fields: top neurosurgeons, reseachers, celebrated artist, top shrinks, major sports idols, endlessly rich, whatever. But it doesn´t help their happiness a bit. (ok, maybe a bit, but not overALL). The point is: We all carry 12 Major Personas within ourselves. Each of these personas -or sub-personalites- is like an individual entity in itself (even though they are all connected and interact). Each is like a individual microcosmos. It is worth noting that each of the Major Twelve constitutes -logically-a 1/12 of the total wholeness of the individual. Or a 1/12 of the Total Potentials. And here comes the clue: all 12 need to be equally (but differently) developed, all in their own, specific and individual way. So if you really aspire to become fully realized, that´s the only road to take. Or to say it inversly: you cannot become more happy as a Whole Human Being as the least of your Personas. Let´s say you are a superdupa painter. Greatly developed in that particular persona, plus to three that are part of the process. But to become that great of an artist, you decided unconsciously to let the other 8-9 potential-personas fall asleep in the Ivory Tower. Roses grow over the tower, but that is just the icing on a cake that has gone rancid. Your body is in bad shape (1), your are incapable to committ to a love relationship (2), you are a wreck in organising and administrating your life, can´t even pay your bills in time (3), you have developed a nice set of addictions (4), take yourself og your work way too seriously (5), etcetc...All of the above examples, no matter how sucessfull you are in a particular arena of your life- will inevitably drag your Whole Being down. Maybe not yet when you are in your twenties, but you start feeling it in your thirties, feel serious trouble in your forties...etc.In other words: as human beings we don´t really have a choice. We need to become ALL. Everything. And the route goes via becoming a 12-faceted diamond, working on all 12 sides at all times. The alternative is being worked on by a larger transpersonal intelligence. But that is a lot more painful, because one´s resistance creates a type of nose-on-the-grindstone effect. No fun.
Thus the smart way is to align one´s personal intelligence with one´s transpersonal (cosmic) intelligence -something that is part of every human being, if they are aware of it or not- and work ON IT ALL.
Time to chop some wood...carry water.